The Waterford Antenatal Hub
Our very own Waterford Antenatal Hub – Nestled on the edge of city, in Frankton is our humming new antenatal hub. We have seven gorgeous clinic rooms filled with midwives doing antenatal visits, an assessment room and a beautiful big waiting room, where we encourage you to enjoy a wee rest as you wait for your midwife. There are resources to look at and take home if you like, magazines to read or simply a quiet space to take a load off.
What is on offer?
6 Somerset Street, Frankton.
Free Immunisation Clinic
Offered by Te Ngaakau-aa-Kiwa Charitable Trust, we have a free Vaccination linic every Tuesday from 11am-1.30pm each week at the hub (6 Somerset St, Frankton). Welcoming all whanau for all vaccinations. No need to book, just pop on in.
Fourth Trimester Workshop
This workshop is hosted + run by founder Renata Lardelli, a Registered Nurse, Registered Midwife. Renata has worked in healthcare since 2008 + believes the fourth trimester to be the most important but most neglected trimester, she has found passion in raising awareness on the importance of the 4th trimester + spends a lot of her time better preparing women for it.
Waiu Breastfeeding Classes
Wai Ū Waikato is offering FREE Pregnancy Breastfeeding classes for ALL wahine residing in the Waikato area. This two hour wānanga includes preparing for baby, positioning, latching, breast and nipple care and tips and tricks on how to breastfeed successfully.
Waterford Antenatal Classes
Our Antenatal classes are conducted by experienced Childbirth Educators (qualified midwives) who facilitate the course in relaxed and informal sessions.
The aim of our antenatal course is to provide an enjoyable, informative forum, where you will gain confidence, and knowledge of what to expect in late pregnancy, labour, birth and early parenting.
Meet with your LMC!
We have seven large clinic rooms here at the Waterford Antenatal Hub! Filled with LMC midwives who run their clinics out of our space.
Find your LMC here!